Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hi guys!  My name is Kendra and this is my frugal and environmentally conscious blog!  This is the place where I'll be posting all of my concoctions from laundry soap, to  bread, to lotion, to whatever else I either hate paying for at the store, or want a better alternative for.  In addition, I may share some tips on the various things from how to stop a bad nose bleed--jello anyone?--to emergency preparedness--do you know how to get fresh drinking water from a water heater after an earthquake?

The main motivators for me when I come up with these ideas are:
Is it cheaper for me to do it myself?

How can I make a non-chemical ridden version of this?

Can I find something that works better?

Can I make a healthier alternative to traditional, store bought foods?

Is it something that's good to know?

If so, I try the idea and if it works, I share it with you lovely people!  If it doesn't and you're on my facebook, then you'll probably hear me complain about the mess whatever it was made and how I freaking hate cleaning up after things like that ;)  

So, stay tuned. First up!  Homemade body butter!  

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